Senin, 14 November 2016
Rabu, 09 November 2016
Anugrah Damai Abadi Polyester
Kami memiliki technology dan keahlian untuk memproses material PET perform atau botol dengan technology khusus yang diakui FDA sebagai bottle to bottle application, dengan tingkat IV yang tinggi, menggunakan mesin Eropa dengan technology terkini, dan kualitas terjamin, disertai maintenance staff ahli kami untuk melakukan kunjungan ke pabrik client setiap waktu untuk mendapatkan kualitas maksimal. Pertama di Indonesia!
We have technology and competence to process PET perform material or bottle with special technology that is acknowledged by FDA as bottle to bottle application with high IV level, using European machine with the most uptodate technology ang guaranteed quality, and also accompanied by our maintenance expert staff to make a visit to client's factory any time in order to get maximum quality. It is the first in Indonesia!
Kami melakukan antar jemput material yang akan diproses, dengan JUST IN TIME & TAKE AND DELIVER procedure management kami, sehingga para client kami tetap merasa nyaman tanpa khawatir akan kendala keterlambatan bahan baku.
We provide a pick up and delivery service for the material that will be processed with our JUST IN TIME & TAKE AND DELIVER procedure management, so that our clients still feel comfortable without being worried about the delays constrain of the basic material.
Anugrah Damai Abadi Polyester ( ADAPoly ) : 1 2
Kami melakukan antar jemput material yang akan diproses, dengan JUST IN TIME & TAKE AND DELIVER procedure management kami, sehingga para client kami tetap merasa nyaman tanpa khawatir akan kendala keterlambatan bahan baku.
We provide a pick up and delivery service for the material that will be processed with our JUST IN TIME & TAKE AND DELIVER procedure management, so that our clients still feel comfortable without being worried about the delays constrain of the basic material.
Anugrah Damai Abadi Polyester ( ADAPoly ) : 1 2
Selasa, 08 November 2016
Anugrah Damai Abadi Polyester
Banyak perusahaan mengatakan proses recycling ini membutuhkan waktu dan anggaran lebih, mereka lebih suka hanya memasukkan waste material ke dalam crusher, menjadikan serpihan kecil lalu di masukan ke mixer dan langsung masuk ke proses produksi kembali. Padahal proses sederhana itu akan membuat kinerja mesin lebih berat (karena tingkat parameter yang berbeda) dan bisa membutuhkan energi lebih banyak dan waktu proses produksi lebih lama (untuk injection dan blow) dan tingkat output lebih rendah (untuk film), material yang tidak merata yang dikarenakan perbedaan size material yang masuk ke dalam extruder, bahkan tingkat keausan screw dan barrel yang cukup tinggi, sehingga biaya yang dikeluarkan akan jauh lebih tinggi.
Juga banyak perusahaan tidak bisa mengoptimalkan value dari waste material, walaupun sedikit atau banyak, namun sangatlah berharga apabila seluruh waste material bisa dipergunakan semaksimal mungkin.
Lots of companies say this recycling process is more time consuming and needs more budget, so they prefer only putting the waste material into crusher, making it small pieces, then thrusting it to mixer, and immediately stepping into production process again. Where as that simple process will make the work load of machine heavier (since the parameter level is different), more over it can cause more energy, production process time becomes longer (for injection and blow), and the output level gets lower (for film), inequitable materials which is caused by the difference of size materials that are put into extruder, even makes the level of worn-out of screw and barrel quite high, so that the expense will finally be more costly.
Many companies cannot optimize the value of the waste materials as well, no matter how little or how much they are, howwer it is so valuable if all the waste materials could be used as maximum as they could be.
Anugrah Damai Abadi Polyester ( ADAPoly ) : 1 3
Anugrah Damai Abadi Polyester
ANUGRAH DAMAI ABADI berkedudukan di Bandung, berdiri sejak 2006 sebagai anak perusahaan ANUGRAH PLASTIC.
Perusahaan ini pertama kali didirikan untuk melayani jasa recycling pellet untuk memenuhi kebutuhan IN HOUSE perusahaan Induk. Ketika dirasakan tingkat kapasitas dan kualitas bisa dipergunakan untuk melayani perusahaan sejenis, maka perusahaan ini mulai menerima JOB ORDER atau proses Tooling dari perusahaan produsen plastic, baik di Bandung, Jabodetabek, pulau Jawa, Sumatra sampai Sulawesi.
ANUGRAH DAMAI ABADI is located in Bandung, has established since 2006 as a sister company of ANUGRAH PLASTIC. This company was established initially to give a service on pellet recycling in order to meet the need of IN HOUSE holding company. When it was thought that the level of capacity and quality could be used to serve typical companies, this company started receiving JOB ORDER or tooling process from plastic producer companies in Bandung, Jabodetabek, islands of Java, Sumatera, and Sulawesi.